This week, we are all thinking of Easter, of that joyous celebration when Jesus returned and made all things new.
But, turning the calendar to May, we will soon be celebrating our mothers. If you have struggled with finding something for your own mom, or another mom you care about, I have a suggestion. You know I don’t often make sales pitches. But, I am pretty proud of this little book called Turn, Turn, Turn. It is a compilation of columns I’ve written for my favorite magazine, Ouachita Life over the past several years.
Each story is short enough for a quick read, and intended to bring the reader a little spark of light, or at least something to think about for the remainder of the day. If your mom likes watchng reruns of the Waltons, or sitting on the porch and watching the children play, or getting her hands dirty in her flowerbed, this book will make her smile.
Follow the link to my website, where you can get her a copy (and one for yourself if you like). Meanwhile, if you haven’t already, please sign up for my quarterly newsletter. There will be another one of those coming out mid-summer. There’s a lot of happiness coming soon, I can feel it!
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