This is a strange time for all of us. We have been battling an unseen enemy all year, and the more we fight, it seems the more things seem to come at us. Twenty-twenty is becoming a cliche for the weirdest, most extreme and unexpected things coming at us daily. And it’s only the beginning of the third quarter of the year. We’ve stopped trying to predict what might be next.
My heart is undergoing it’s own twenty-twenty. My grown daughter who lives five hours away is undergoing the battle of her life, with a diagnosis of cancer invading her world. Even this battle is not being waged the way we would have wanted. Our instinct as parents is to drop everything to be by her side for every doctor visit, every dark night of worry. But, the most dangerous thing for families right now is to be physically close, especially when we must travel through potentially unsafe locations to accomplish that. So, we communicate electronically, and it seems that when we do, we talk more about everything BUT the biggest thing on all of our minds.
Of course, from my home base, I have done the best thing possible already. I have called in my prayer warriors. Trusted family and friends all over the country are lifting my daughter and her family up to the throne of the only One who can help. Still, my heart is restless, fidgety. There must be more I can do. So, I look to the scriptures.
There, God keeps drawing me to one word: Peace. Exodus 14:14 :”The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” This reminds me of the quote attributed to Queen Elizabeth II, and corrupted in so many ways on t-shirts and coffee mugs: “Keep calm and carry on.” Let God do the fighting. He knows what to do, and He has the power.
And this one, the words of Jesus Himself. He was speaking to His beloved disciples, trying to prepare them for His final battle on earth, events they couldn’t imagine. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
Peace. Let God fight for us. The best weapon for uncertainty in twenty-twenty or any other time.
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