At this point, you should never be surprised at the variety of authors and books featured on my blog. After all, I have repeated the idea that Christian Publishing is anything but boring so many … [Read more...]
A New View of the Original Creator of Oz
With the recent popularity of Wicked, everything Oz is new again. A Scrivenings Press author has released a book that gives fresh insights into the author of the original Wizard of Oz stories. The … [Read more...]
New Author gives a glimpse into the future
If you've read my blogs, you've heard this before: Christian fiction is not boring! There are so many different kinds of stories (genres) available. Today, I am … [Read more...]
Devastation threatens a young hero
You've heard me say this many times. If you think all Christian fiction books are the same, I have some big news for you. Today's guest, Brett Armstrong has a series called Quest for Fire that takes … [Read more...]
Up Close and Personal with a member of the Magi
Summer is retreating to the rear-view mirror as most areas of the country are enjoying at least occasional cooler temperatures. Upcoming holiday celebrations entice us to seek books that highlight the … [Read more...]
An Encounter with a Certain Man Changes Everything
Historical fiction is a wonderful category of Christian fiction. Many great authors have stories to share about multiple time periods. A popular sub-genre is Biblical fiction. Today, I am pleased to … [Read more...]
Our plans don’t always match God’s plans
Today's book reminds us all that we can make plans, but God directs our steps. Case in point: This blog usually appears on the 15th. of the month. But- Life! No excuses from this blogger. We all get … [Read more...]
The Importance of Home
I am pleased to feature a new book by fellow Scrivenings Press author, Kimberly Banet on my blog today. Although this is a fictional story, the topic is so important. Many children and teens are … [Read more...]
Mother-in-law from Bird’s Alive is quite a character
Hello Readers! We're back for the second day in a row because a really interesting character just "blew in".(You'll catch that reference soon.) Jen Dodrill's new book Birds Alive is all about a … [Read more...]
New Cozy Mystery Author is “For the Birds”
I don't know your tastes in fiction, but for many readers, a good murder mystery is just the ticket. Don't get me wrong, I am not promoting graphic violence, or scenes that will haunt your dreams. But … [Read more...]