This has been a very unique year so far. In fact, it’s the first time a year has become its own catch phrase. Each time we hear about something new and different, like twin hurricanes or murder hornets, we are liable to shake our heads and say “Oh, that’s so 2020”. At this point, nothing surprises us. Maybe the best thing to do as this year heads for the history books is to look back at the good things that have happened. From my front porch vantage point, there have been plenty of blessings. Let’s just use the letters in the most popular word of the month.
T- Technology. My job with the State of Arkansas has introduced me to some very smart people who know how to make things happen, even from our own homes. Since March, I have successfully performed my duties, and stayed in touch with my co-workers with only a few days in the actual office location.
H- Home Improvement. Just before the world stood still, we completed work on our kitchen. Now that we are preparing most every meal from home, we are enjoying it immensely. Next came the new privacy fence. Very soon, we will be converting our concrete slab patio to a covered porch. A much nicer place to relax or dine, rain or shine!
A- Arkansas. Our weekends have featured drives all over this beautiful state. We just pack a lunch, scout out a clean restroom, and find a shady open spot to stop for a picnic. There are so many great places within an hour or so of our house. Social distancing is no problem when we stay in our own vehicle.
N- Neighbors. We have always had a good relationship with the folks who live one either side and across the way. Now that we’re all spending more time at home, many more front yard conversations are happening. We share extra plants when working in the yard, watch each other’s houses when someone ventures out, and generally do what neighbors should do to be more neighborly. We have even broadened our territory to include many more in our community, listening online to their perspective, and striving to move from familiar to family.
K- Kids. Since the middle of March, we have been seeing all eight of our grands on a weekly basis even though they live in three different states. With the help of their parents, and a technological tool we had never heard of in 2019, we have watched them perform tricks, listened to them tell jokes, even had them read us one of their favorite stories. Pure joy, and a highlight of our week.
S- Support. One natural outcome of those weekly meetings has been a renewed feeling of closeness. A very generous uncle presented his graduating nephew with a used car as a gift. Then, at the end of the summer, all of us rallied around our daughter when she announced her cancer diagnosis. That same uncle (her brother) even shaved his head as a statement of support. Love is a wonderful thing, especially when it steps in to encourage at a time of need.
G-Gardening. Along with improvements to our house, our yards are looking gorgeous this year as well. Summertime flowers have stayed around to provide color in the autumn. The lawn has been rich and green all year. Bulbs have been unearthed and cleaned up in preparation to bring springtime joy in 2021.
I-Increased Church Attendance. Even though our worship was totally online for a long time, now that some have returned, the total number of people participating is larger than it was at the beginning of the year. Flexibility has paid off in a big way.
V-Voting. Perhaps because so many of us have been confined to home, with not much to do besides watching the news on television, voters could not wait to get out to make their voices heard. Early voting has been a huge success, with both mail in and in-person methods being utilized.
I-Inspiration. While much of my year was spent on a fiction project only to get one more rejection, the process sparked my creativity, and even a new story or two that is waiting to be told. Creativity rises to the challenge.
N-New Horizons. All of the above blessings provide hope for the coming year. A hint of what comes next- a companion to my first book, Turn, Turn, Turn is in the works. The feelings and emotions of this one historic year have provided plenty of fodder. You will, of course, be among the first to know!
G-God. We all feel a little more reliant on the One who already knows the end of our story. He has seen many pandemics, numerous civil disturbances, He created the murder hornets! With renewed trust and faith, we are ready to face the future.
The holiday season will not look the same this year. I hope that you have many happy moments. Blessings are all around, if you only take time to find them.
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