In a series our minister calls the Summer of Good news, we are studying the Gospel of Mark on Sunday morning. Mark’s account emphasizes the difficulty that the disciples had in understanding who Jesus really is.
They had witnessed miracle after miracle, but their memories were very short. In Mark 8: 17-21, he reminds them of the times he fed thousands with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. But, still they don’t recognize Him as the son of God. They are like the blind man that Jesus heals at Bethsaida, who is healed gradually. At first, he only sees people who look like trees. Mark 8: 22-26. Jesus gently touches the man again, and he sees clearly.
Jesus gave his disciples many different chances. In the famous account of Jesus walking on water, He first walked past the boat.Mark 6:48. This should have reminded them of the time when God walked past Moses, rather than showing His face.
Finally, when Peter confesses that he knows that Jesus is the Christ, he still doesn’t understand the whole picture. Mark 8:29-33 He doesn’t understand that Jesus will be required to die on the cross. At this point, Jesus rebukes Peter, and forbids him from talking to others about what he thinks about the Savior. Jesus needs His disciples to understand fully before they try to lead others to Him.
We can identify with Peter. The fact that Jesus is the actual son of God is not easy to grasp. But, the scriptures tell us that He wants us to understand, and once we do, He wants us to tell others.
Continuing our reading of Mark Chapter 8, in verse 34 Jesus expands his message beyond his group of disciples. “And when He had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
Taking up our cross is no easy matter. We must be prepared, as Jesus was, to give Everything, to give up our own lives to follow him. Verse 35: “For whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s the same shall save it.”
In choosing your course this week, choose to follow the one who gave everything for you. He will go ahead, behind, and alongside. And He will save you.
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