Excitement is building. A milestone is being reached. On January 30, “Love Never Fails”completes the Crossroads series that started with “Hope Takes the Reins” and “Faith Moves Mountains.”
Each day, I will share about all of the stories, and the characters that have become a big part of my life.
I am asking for help from you, my readers to help get the word out. With a complete series available, I hope to reach more who enjoy reading clean, intriguing tales of Christian people and the part that faith plays in their lives.
I plan to offer four prizes, to represent the total number of books I have released from Scrivenings Press. To be a winner- here’s what you do. Choose two or more of the following tasks:
Share one or more of the lead-up posts with others in your social media contact list.
Write a new review for one of my books (Amazon is the best place, but others are accepted as well.)
Comment during my Facebook Live broadcast – Tuesday, January 30, starting at 7:00 p.m.
Provide me with a contact that can offer a location for an in-person appearance or book signing.
Sign me up for an interview on your blog or podcast.
Once you have completed two of the tasks, send me a message to tell me about it. You will be in the drawing to win a paperback copy of one of my books. You might also find a tiny bonus tucked in, when you receive your package. Four winners- four fun prizes.
You, my readers are the reason I write. My goal is to share God’s love with you. If my words provide hope and encouragement, I have made good use of the gifts our Father has given me. When you help spread the word to others, my audience increases.
Thanks so much for helping. Let me hear from you soon!
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