The father of a young man with a terrible seizure condition had brought him to Jesus for healing. For years, they had dealt with uncertainty and fear. As Mark tells it in Chapter 9, verses 21-27, he had heard of the healing power of this man and His disciples, but still had doubts. “If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Mark 9:24 NKJV. How typically human. We bring our problems to the One we trust to help us, and start our plea with “If”. Jesus was compassionate, and responded by saying “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23 NKJV.
We do believe. But sometimes, the weight of our burden seems to weigh us down so much that we can’t quite release it. We know we have come to the right place when we reach the feet of the One who was sent here to save us. Drop that weight right there. Fully trust and believe.
“Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.'” Mark 9:24.
Trust. Believe. All things are possible.
One of my favorite stories. Thanks for sharing!
Don’t you love how the gospels record stories of real people with real reactions to their problems. Jesus came to bring the love of God to all humans, even with our frailties. Comforting, indeed!