During Sunday worship, we have focused on the miracles of Jesus. Our minister stressed that even though we have heard these stories all our lives, we can always find a message that surprises us.
In Matthew’s gospel, we hear about Jesus approaching the boat full of his disciples during a violent storm by walking on water. The usual takeaway from this is that Peter can also perform an amazing miracle as long as he trusts Jesus to help him. This is a valid lesson, and one we can keep as a daily inspiration.
A couple of points might go un-noticed. First, while the disciples were struggling against the storm, where was Jesus? Matthew tells us in Chapter 14, verse 23 “After he had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray.” However, in his account, Mark tells us that Jesus was watching His disciples all through the storm. Chapter 6, Chapter 48 “He saw the disciples straining on the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn He went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them.”
The next part of the story is familiar, as Jesus tells the disciples not to be afraid. Then, predictably, the bold and dramatic disciple, Peter challenges Jesus. Peter says, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Matthew 14, 28. Jesus, of course tells him to “Come” in verse 29. Peter actually takes a few steps before he becomes afraid and begins to sink.
The second new idea is that our minister reminds us not to be so hard on Peter. He was, after all, only human. It took great courage to put first one foot, then the other over the side of the boat to stand on the crazy, billowing waves. Any of us would be afraid. Peter proved that he trusted Jesus enough to take that first huge step. He only failed when he looked away from Jesus and worried too much about the storm. The key is that Jesus reached out and rescued him.
How can we take this lesson with us? We should always keep in mind that through every storm the world sends to us, Jesus knows. He is watching, and when we look for Him, He is there. He loves us so much, even with our human frailty, even when we are afraid. He knows all about us and loves us anyway. He loves us enough to save us.
We only need to focus on our Savior, not on the storm.
All scripture references are from the NIV.
Photo from free images on Pixabay
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