Hello Readers!
By now, you know that my second favorite thing to do (next to talking about my own books) is to introduce you to new authors and their latest books.
We are in for a treat. My friend Ellen E. Withers, from right here in Central Arkansas has recently released her first book. It is set just a little north of here, in Mexico, Missouri. Yes, you read that right. Not THAT Mexico. Mexico, Missouri.
The new book is called “Show Me Betrayal” and is the first in Ellen’s new series. Today, the main character has dropped in to tell us all about herself. I don’t know about you, but I just love it when I get to meet and talk to a character in a book. Let’s see what she has to say.
Jenny: Hello. Please tell us your name, and where you are from.
Liesl: I’m Liesl Schrader and it’s nice to meet you. I live in a Victorian home in Mexico, Missouri that I inherited from my great aunt Suzanne.
Jenny: You’ve inherited an old house? How exciting. Can you tell us a little more about your family and friends?
Liesl: I was raised by my great aunt and uncle after my parents passed. I was a young child, so they were like my mother and father. They raised me to have a strong faith and to do as much as possible for people who need help. I’m continuing their legacy with Christian deeds the same way they did, which were performed in secret, with no fanfare.
Jenny: That’s a lovely legacy to continue. So, what is happening in your life right now, and what do you look forward to in the future?
Liesl: I’m trying to figure out my path in a world without Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Max. God will help me with that, I know. With His help, the help of my best friend Nicole, and many other friends and family members, I’m making a new life for myself in my hometown.
Don’t tell anyone, but I have an idea that should help the community and bring people together in positive ways. The second book in the Show Me Mysteries series coming in May of 2024, called Show Me Deceit, will tell all about this idea I want to bring to life for citizens of the town.
Jenny: Have you met anyone interesting lately? What intrigues you most about this person?
Liesl: I just had a date with a new guy named Justin. So far, he’s been an absolute delight to get to know. He’s intriguing because he’s a guy who listens, really listens to me. And he’s a gentleman. I need to learn more about his faith, because it’s one of the most important things I need to know about him.
My former boyfriend, Kurt, doesn’t seem pleased that I had a date with someone, but he’ll just have to move past that, right? He broke my heart years ago. We’re working toward being comfortable being friends again. It would be nice to spend time together without the old drama following us.
Jenny: Hmmm. Sounds like Kurt may still have some feelings for you. So what is the major obstacle or annoyance in your life these days?
Liesl: My struggle is how to help people (with the monetary blessings I inherited from Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Max) while keeping everything anonymous. I guess it’s a good problem to have and I know God will show me how to accomplish these things.
Jenny: I admire your resolve to keep your giving secret. That is biblical, but few people are concerned about that these days. It sounds like you and your family are familiar with the bible. How important is your faith in your daily life?
Liesl: Every day God gives me, I work to be a positive part of someone else’s life, especially those who need a hand to get back on track with their lives. Faith provides me with the belief that helping others starts with your own actions, such as acts of kindness and caring.
Jenny: Such a wonderful example for all of us. I can’t wait to read how this plan of yours plays out. Do you have any parting words for our readers?
Liesl: Every day God gives us is a special day, so try to make the most of it. Dream your dream, make someone happy, or give a hug to a stranger. I hope readers will continue to read, so writers will have someone to enjoy their words. Together we can change the world, one good deed at a time.
See, I told you she would be fascinating. Now, here’s little more about Ellen E. Withers and her book:
Ellen is an award-winning fiction writer, freelance writer and retired insurance fraud investigator. She is excited about her mystery/dual-time series, Show Me Mysteries, set in her picturesque hometown of Mexico, Missouri. Show Me Betrayal, the first book of the series, was published by Scrivenings Press on May 16, 2023. Scrivenings Press will publish Show Me Deceit, the second book in the series, in May 2024.
She is also proud to be one of three contributors to a Christmas novella collection titled A Gift for All Time, due for release September 26, 2023, from Scrivenings Press.
Ellen is currently hard at work on a nonfiction book to help writers win writing contests. Magic Words: Enchant Judges & Conjure Contest Wins for Novels, Short Fiction and Nonfiction is scheduled for publication by Scrivenings Press in March 2024.
More information about Ellen’s books, writing tips and highlights of guest authors is on her website www.ellenewithers.com. Her Facebook page is Ellen E. Withers. Follow her column on how to win writing contests in Writers Monthly Magazine PDF.
When not writing or reading, Ellen enjoys spending time with her family, traveling the world with her adventurous friends and performing with Top of the Rock Chorus, a Sweet Adeline chorus in central Arkansas.
Now, learn more about her book: (and read all the way to the bottom for a chance to win your own copy)
Don’t you love that cover! So intriguing.
A joyous event years ago turned into a horrible nightmare. Has the nightmare returned?
Two deaths occur decades apart. Is it possible these deaths are related? What motivates a killer, who got away with murder sixty years ago, to kill again? Was it uncontrollable rage or the hope of silencing someone who fit all the puzzle pieces together and deduced who committed the crime?
Set in the picturesque town of Mexico, Missouri, Show Me Betrayal takes flight in words and emotions of rich characters woven together into a story you won’t want to put down.
As promised- Answer this question in the comments, and you will be in the drawing to win your own copy of Show Me Betrayal:
Have you ever done a good deed in secret? Tell us about it. If not, what is something you could do without taking credit for it? Be creative.
Here’s how to contact Ellen, and to purchase your copy.
Website: https://ellenewithers.com/
Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071728886831
Amazon profile: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BWZ1G7JS
Instagram profile: https://instagram.com/lnwithers?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Goodreads: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/ellen-e-withers?list=about
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/ellen-e-withers?list=about
Yes. I’ve done things in secret. I bought lunch for people a few times (and didn’t tell). Only the recipient and I knew of this.
Doesn’t that feel great? Anyone would appreciate a gift like that.
I’m a big believer in missions and have supported children in Peru, Guatemala, and quite a few in the Philippines. I have donated anonymously at times, but if I say much more about it, it won’t be anonymous 🙂
This is exactly the way God’s good news gets spread around the world. Thanks so much for your generosity.