"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Second Timothy 2:15 NKJV I don't know who chooses my "verse of the … [Read more...]
Using Peace as a Weapon
This is a strange time for all of us. We have been battling an unseen enemy all year, and the more we fight, it seems the more things seem to come at us. Twenty-twenty is becoming a cliche for the … [Read more...]
A Bird’s Eye View of Danger
Protected. Sheltered. Safe. Amidst the tumult of the past few months, how do we put these words into practice? The experts are telling us that the way to remain virus free is set ourselves … [Read more...]
Surviving Day by Day in the New World
Remember the good old days, way back in February of 2020? Here is what happened most days around my house. I came home from my job about 20 miles away from home, and the world was our oyster. If Hubby … [Read more...]
Let’s Hear it for God!! Give Thanks!
Stop! Before you read any further, take a minute. First, take a good deep breath. Didn't that feel good? Now. think back over the last few days. What is the best thing that happened to … [Read more...]
Just in Time for the Hottest Part of the Summer : Your Annual Reading List
Summertime Reading to the Rescue! Just when we are beginning to emerge from our safe havens, the Arkansas heat is arriving to chase us back inside. As is our custom, we are providing some … [Read more...]
Prepare to be Surprised
Lately, we can all identify with Job. Maybe our discomfort has not reached Biblical proportions, but after months of trying to get our bearings in an ever shifting new world, we are tired, even … [Read more...]
Here’s my Ebenezer: No Longer Neutral
Black Lives Matter. Back the Blue. I support both of these statements. Period. End of Sentence. They do not have to be contradictory. A friend of mine posted something that really made me think. … [Read more...]
Be Strong and Courageous
Imagine yourself in Joshua's shoes. For years, all he has known was wandering in the wilderness, following the great leader, Moses, who had led two million people out of bondage toward God's promised … [Read more...]
What I May Miss this Month
Somehow, we have survived without going to Garvan Gardens to enjoy the beautiful tulips and azaleas this year. Our irises came up in the back yard, and did put on quite a show, though they are still … [Read more...]