Years ago, I worked with a lady (or rather worked for her, she was a customer of mine) who told me that first thing every morning she read the newspaper to be sure she was “rolling her marbles”. As my … [Read more...]
Counting Down to a Wonderful New Book
Releasing July 1:Where Dandelions Bloom, the second Civil War historical novel by Tara Johnson. If you loved Engraved on the Heart, you are in for a treat. It's not a sequel, its a totally new story, … [Read more...]
Navigating the Cloud of Witnesses
Once a year, 40,000 of my closest friends gather for a common purpose. Yes, there is a race involved. But the important thing on this day is to eradicate a terrible disease that has affected far too … [Read more...]
As for Me and My House
No, this is not my house. I took this picture on a trip to New Orleans a couple of football seasons ago, when my husband and I traveled there to watch our favorite team play their city's Saints. After … [Read more...]
Historical or Contemporary Fiction? Yes!
Stories of the ultimate American struggle, the Civil War, fascinate me. I live in an area that had been settled and civilized for more than a generation when political turmoil escalated into physical … [Read more...]
They Will Not Depart – Really!
They don't stay small for long. This is a painful truth that we repeat often. As of today, we have received four announcements for graduating seniors. All of these kids should still be tiny, but, … [Read more...]