The first month of the new year is history already. In many ways, it really felt like a prolonged version of last year. We are still struggling with a pandemic, political unrest has shifted focus, but … [Read more...]
The Beauty of an American Transition
This week was historic. In the capitol city of our country, a ceremony was held. For many reasons, it was not like any other inauguration in our history. But the same pomp and circumstance, the same … [Read more...]
A New Year- and the Word that will Guide Me
The beginning of a year is always exciting. We have a fresh start. The symbolism of putting the past behind and moving forward is always valuable, and for those of us who use God's Word as a guide, it … [Read more...]
2020 in Hindsight
If you’ve read many of my first of the year musings, you know I favor peeking into the coming year over peering back at the one that has ended. This year, though, begs a proper farewell. I don’t think … [Read more...]
We Need Christmas More Than Ever
November 11, 2020. Veteran’s day, and at our house the task of the day was to bring out the Christmas tree and begin the transformation to the upcoming holiday season. This year, there was one major … [Read more...]
Wrestling with God
In the midst of the turmoil that is 2020, I am finding that even old Bible stories seem new and very pertinent. If I had heard about the time that Jacob had a midnight wrestling match with an … [Read more...]
Spelling out our Thankfulness
This has been a very unique year so far. In fact, it’s the first time a year has become its own catch phrase. Each time we hear about something new and different, like twin hurricanes or murder … [Read more...]
Presenting our bodies to Him
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1 NKJV Our human … [Read more...]
Finally – I am a Grownup
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things." First Corinthians 13:11 The past few weeks have been … [Read more...]