Tomorrow is the official release date for my third book. Today, you can read the first three chapters for free. I love this special offer that my publisher creates for all of our new releases. Of … [Read more...]
Third novel’s hero launches his own life
Today's interview is very special. We get a chance to meet the youngest brother of the Billings family, famous in his community for his courage. Let's see what he has to tell us about his life after … [Read more...]
Meet Kayla Caldwell “Cover Girl” for Love Never Fails
A frequent feature of my blog is interviewing a character in a Christian fiction novel. Today, I have the pleasure of talking to someone I know very well. This young lady first appeared in Hope Takes … [Read more...]
Two more stories keep Crossroads alive
Authors become very familiar with the characters they create. While plotting and planning, sometimes stories emerge that beg to be told. Full-length novels need focus, and the fewer "rabbit trails" … [Read more...]
Faith makes the difference for older siblings in Book Two
The second book in my Crossroads series focuses on the older siblings of my favorite fictional families. In the Caldwell house, the oldest daughter has been the featured performer. Faith is the … [Read more...]
The Story that Started the Series- Hope Takes the Reins
Two characters dominated my mind while I was writing and pitching another book. A respected mentor suggested that I start fresh, using something totally new. Hope Caldwell and O.D. Billings got their … [Read more...]
Lead-up to Launch Date
Excitement is building. A milestone is being reached. On January 30, "Love Never Fails"completes the Crossroads series that started with "Hope Takes the Reins" and "Faith Moves Mountains." Each … [Read more...]
Preferring one another in 2024
"Have kindly affection one for another with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another." Romans 12:10 King James Version Authors have a custom of choosing a word at the beginning of each year … [Read more...]
Uncommon Grandma has so much to teach us
One of the best parts of being a writer is meeting so many people with a shared passion. As varied and interesting as the books they write, every one is unique. Today, I'm visiting with an author who … [Read more...]
Montana College Student Meets Adventure Head-on
The beginning of the holiday season is a great time to find a great new read. November Knight by Debbi Migit comes along just in time to add some adventure to your to-be-read stack. Today, we'll be … [Read more...]