It’s the classic dilemma – which season is the best in the Ouachita region? Of course, the Chamber of Commerce answer if that they are all wonderful in their own way. But be honest, we can all agree … [Read more...]
Monday Motivation: We are never alone
Most of us are very familiar with the 23rd Psalm. King David gives us a beautiful poem with vivid images that give us confidence to carry us through all manner of trials. But, the chapter just … [Read more...]
Book Tour – No Surrender Soldier
A great book deserves a great book tour! Most of the book tours I have seen include the author being interviewed, either in person or on a blog. We learn a little about the author's thought process, … [Read more...]
Monday Motivation: Judge the Message, not the Messenger
An early motivator of Christians, the apostle Paul, recognized that he had competition in reaching the hearts and minds of his audience. So many were preaching, and some had questionable motives. In … [Read more...]
The Lonely Job of a Beacon
What is the picture in your head when you hear the word "beacon"? If you are very savvy about current technology, you may think of something invisible: a way for an app to detect the availability of a … [Read more...]
Old Dogs and New Tricks
I am fond of telling people that I plan to be the “Grandma Moses” of the fiction writing world. As time goes by, there are fewer people alive who understand that reference. Anna Mary Robertson … [Read more...]
This Must Be Love
February. The month when all conversations turn to our favorite topic. Love. If we’ve learned anything over lo, these many Valentine’s Days, it is that we all have our own definitions, our own … [Read more...]
More about Jenny McLeod Carlisle
Jenny writes a general interest column for baby-boomers in the free magazine, Ouachita Life, Her mission is to use the gift of stringing words together to glorify God, hopefully encouraging and … [Read more...]
Love Never Fails … to Amaze
Whose idea was it to put chocolate candy in a huge heart shaped box? And why exactly does that say I Love You? The sweet treats inside are the focus of the gift, right? Women are known for melting … [Read more...]