Years ago, I worked with a lady (or rather worked for her, she was a customer of mine) who told me that first thing every morning she read the newspaper to be sure she was “rolling her marbles”. As my … [Read more...]
Counting Down to a Wonderful New Book
Releasing July 1:Where Dandelions Bloom, the second Civil War historical novel by Tara Johnson. If you loved Engraved on the Heart, you are in for a treat. It's not a sequel, its a totally new story, … [Read more...]
Navigating the Cloud of Witnesses
Once a year, 40,000 of my closest friends gather for a common purpose. Yes, there is a race involved. But the important thing on this day is to eradicate a terrible disease that has affected far too … [Read more...]
As for Me and My House
No, this is not my house. I took this picture on a trip to New Orleans a couple of football seasons ago, when my husband and I traveled there to watch our favorite team play their city's Saints. After … [Read more...]
Historical or Contemporary Fiction? Yes!
Stories of the ultimate American struggle, the Civil War, fascinate me. I live in an area that had been settled and civilized for more than a generation when political turmoil escalated into physical … [Read more...]
They Will Not Depart – Really!
They don't stay small for long. This is a painful truth that we repeat often. As of today, we have received four announcements for graduating seniors. All of these kids should still be tiny, but, … [Read more...]
May: Marvelous Month of Milestones
I will be revealing my age by telling you the song that buzzes through my head at this time of year. “I was strolling through the park one day, in the merry month of May.” In our house, though, there … [Read more...]
Monday Motivation: Set Your Mind on Things Above
Easter is over. Now what? What a glorious day it was. A reminder of the joyous day when Jesus rewrote history forever. We left worship exhilarated, with renewed purpose. So now, it's Monday. We're … [Read more...]
What’s up Wednesday: A gift for a Mom
This week, we are all thinking of Easter, of that joyous celebration when Jesus returned and made all things new. But, turning the calendar to May, we will soon be celebrating our mothers. If you … [Read more...]
Which is Better: Spring or Fall?
It’s the classic dilemma – which season is the best in the Ouachita region? Of course, the Chamber of Commerce answer if that they are all wonderful in their own way. But be honest, we can all agree … [Read more...]