"Bretheren, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the … [Read more...]
Back to School- the Next Generation
The traditional pictures have started. Kids on the front steps, holding chalkboards. Many smiling faces, and a few stubborn grimaces. Milestones shared and preserved for the future. At … [Read more...]
Pick up your Cross and Follow Him
In a series our minister calls the Summer of Good news, we are studying the Gospel of Mark on Sunday morning. Mark's account emphasizes the difficulty that the disciples had in understanding who … [Read more...]
Was Jesus an Introvert?
A fundamental truth about Jesus that I believe is that He was both the son of the Almighty God, and a human. I love reading about His life, and getting glimpses from scripture of what the man, the … [Read more...]
Monday Motivation: It’s Day One
Monday, July First. It's a new beginning. Although Summer officially begins in June, July comes along and we realize summer is really here. In the next few days, we celebrate the birthday of the … [Read more...]
Summertime Reading Heats Up
Every year in the Ouachita region, we start to stockpile a stack of diversions for the miserably hot days ahead. Once again, I have several suggestions that will bring excitement without leaving the … [Read more...]
He is Still There – and Still God
Summer storms are to be expected. Some blow through quickly, providing needed moisture for our yards, and leaving the air refreshed. Some seem to take days to build, and hang around to threaten us for … [Read more...]
Saying Goodbye and The Great Comforter
"For the Lord shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places;and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness be found therein, … [Read more...]
Counting down to a great new book
Just a few more weeks! Tara Johnson's new Civil War romance will be available on July 1! We are so proud of our friend and Central Arkansas neighbor. Her first book Engraved on the Heart was … [Read more...]
Monday Motivation: No-one is beyond redemption
Jesus warns against trying to do God's job to figure out who will be in Heaven . "And behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last." Luke 13:30 KJV. In … [Read more...]